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Black Panther Slimming Capsule 30 capsules
Black Panther Slimming Capsule 30 capsules
Black Panther Slimming Capsule 30 capsules
Black Panther Slimming Capsule 30 capsules
Black Panther Slimming Capsule 30 capsules

Black Panther Slimming Capsule 30 capsules

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Black Panther (Black Panther) slimming capsules are aimed at helping to reduce weight, and weight control, extra pounds can go from the hips, waist, buttocks, arms, upper body, and back.

Indications for use:

Action :
- activation of fat burning;
- decrease in appetite;
- a burst of energy;
- increased physical activity;
- strengthening immunity;
- metabolic disease;
- obesity;
- correction of the figure;

- overweight;

The composition contains extracts of Carallum Fimbriata, chili pepper, Hoodia cactus, pineapple, yohimbine, guarana, etc.

Carallum Fimbriata is an edible cactus with succulent leaves. The people of India have been using Karallum since ancient times to suppress hunger, and appetite and increase stamina. The extract is rich in various biologically active substances, the most interesting of which are the so-called pregnane glycosides. These substances are thought to play an important role in appetite suppression by acting on the hypothalamus, which controls hunger in the body. A study evaluating the effect of Carallum extract on appetite and body shape showed its ability to both suppress appetite and influence the reduction of fat cell deposition. Also used to treat diabetes to keep blood sugar levels low. Carallum Fimbriata has the ability to block the activity of a number of enzymes, which then block the formation of fat, forcing the use of fat reserves for energy needs.

Chili pepper suppresses appetite, reduces the amount of absorbed fat, speeds up metabolism, and promotes weight loss.

The Hoodia cactus is a South African plant that resembles a cactus in appearance. Helps reduce appetite and suppress hunger in humans. It also helps to restore digestion and metabolic processes in the body.

Pineapple is a tasty and healthy fruit that attracted the interest of nutritionists a few years ago. It contains the “slimming enzyme” bromelain, which is able to activate the breakdown of complex lipids and promote weight loss.

Yohimbine is a substance from the class of alkaloids that promotes weight loss because it acts on alpha 2-adrenoceptors receptors that block the release of fats from lipocytes. The highest concentration of these receptors in women is concentrated in the most problematic places - the abdomen and hips. By blocking them, yohimbine allows excess fat to be burned evenly throughout the body. And by increasing the synthesis of adrenaline and noradrenaline, it activates the process of burning fat for energy production. In addition, the alkaloid increases thermogenesis - it turns fat molecules into heat.

The most valuable properties of guarana are activating and tonic. The seeds are high in caffeine. It improves metabolism, cleanses the body and removes excess fluid from it, which makes it popular among those who want to lose weight. When losing weight, guarana helps to reduce appetite, start the process of lipolysis during exercise, and provide energy for the training process. Due to the presence of caffeine, the supplement has a fat-burning effect, it belongs to moderate thermogenics.

Method of application: in the first half of the day, 1 capsule for 30 minutes. before breakfast (in the presence of a course of a healthy individual diet, and it is also desirable to play sports), limit yourself to taking one capsule. It is advisable to consult a doctor before taking. It is not recommended to use the drug in the evening: it can provoke insomnia. It is recommended to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water during the day. because the basic accelerator of the process of metabolism and fat burning, the removal of toxins and other processes is drinking water. Alcohol intake, joint intake of certain drugs (antidepressants, sedatives and psychotropic drugs) is contraindicated. And also for the duration of the course it is necessary to give up strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, minors, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people, people with hormonal disorders, heart rhythm and pressure disorders, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, epilepsy, family history of stroke, kidney and adrenal diseases, severe renal and liver diseases, various mental illnesses, a weakened body and often ill. Exotic ingredients can cause allergic reactions.