Weight Loss Herbal Natural Formula Al Sheikh Fat Burner Slimming 30 Capsules
Weight Loss Herbal Natural Formula Al - Sheikh Fat Burner Slimming 30 Capsules
Weight Loss Pills
natural slimming capsul
Ingredients: The capsules contain antioxidants and fat burners, these include: Garcinia Cambogia, fennel seeds, green coffee, ash, cactus fruit extract, black tea selection, dandelion root, sweet meadow. They also help fight cellular damage from oxidation and aging, and have a preventative effect against some forms of inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.
100 % natural product
Target Priority:
Reduced body mass index, rejuvenation;
Blocking and suppressing excessive appetite,
Restoration and acceleration of metabolism,
Switch to a balanced and healthy diet;
Gradual rejection of fatty and high-calorie foods;
Figure correction, Comprehensive treatment of obesity.